- Blast Shield (Passive): Your activated abilities grant a shield equal to 10% of your health for 5 seconds when they hit an enemy (8 second cooldown).
- Q - Vault Breaker: Charges a powerful punch that carries you forward.
- First Cast: Slows your movement speed by 15% while increasing damage and dash range over 1.5 seconds.
- Second Cast: Dashes forward dealing 170 to 340 physical damage and applying Denting Blows to all enemies hit. Stops upon colliding with an enemy champion, knocking it back.
- W - Denting Blows (Passive): Every 3rd attack on the same target ddeals an additional 8% of the target's maximum health as physical damage, reduces its armor by 25% and grants you 40% attack speed for 4 seconds.
- E - Excessive Force: Causes next basic attack to deal 65 physical damage to the target and enemies behind it. Vi charges a new punch every 8.0 seconds and can hold 2 charges at once.
- R - Assault and Battery (Ultimate): Targets an enemy champion and chases it down, knocking it up and suppressing it for 1.25 seconds. Deals 375 physical damage and applies Denting Blows. While charging you are immune to crowd control and will knock aside enemies in the way, dealing 75% damage to them.
Video preview at - > http://leaguecraft.com/videos/11991-vi-piltover-enforcer-league-of-legends-champion-preview.xhtml
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