Shurelias will continue with the Q&A as i will continue to update the latest one.
Also posted on
1) What are your future plans for Udyr and Zilean
We currently do not have anything scheduled. I might be rebuffing locket CD a bit. It's not that we aren't ever going to look at them, its just not a priority at the moment.
2) Is quicksilver sash ever going to be able to be built into anything else or made more of a viable choice when suppression hits
Hmm... no plans for it right now. It might be ok where it is. We'll see. I think its ok that it is a situational item since what it does is so powerful.
3) are there any plans for mr/ar pen items?
No plans for more pen items but there are new items in planning. We have a new jungling item coming out soon.
4)Malphite. Any changes on his scaling problem coming?
We have a few changes we want for Malphite soon, we want to make B.S. not AOE when the target is a tower... and maybe make Shard a little bit better. As far as scaling... nothing at the moment but its definitely something I want to look into in the near future.
5) Any plans on giving Rammus some love, via the "Mechanics Change" thread in the TR? Is Rammus even being looked at from a point of view like that?
I honestly haven't read the test realm forum since the PTR went down. = (
Rammus is scheduled for a check up but I have nothing right now. I think he's a pretty good character though, and I think he'll do well in draft mode.
6) When are replays going to be implemented?
I wish i knew. = (
7) We gonna see any Ryze changes soon? The poor guys been nerfed a lot with little buffing to compensate...=/
I currently see him as a C-tier character. I want to take a look at him soon. But right now im worried about the OP characters moreso than the UP ones.
8) Are there any new diverse items coming out, like +Attack and mana ( the witchblade, a suggestion ive made a few times )
Or Attack + MR would also be a nice one, even if the MR is pretty low.
Maybe a new MR item that uses the health belt, instead of banshees veil being the only + health MR item.
We are working on new diverse items. In fact there is an attack/mana item currently on the drawing board.
9) Any plans to make Kennen more viable? (I'm guessing maybe energy items since we already have energy runes?)
Thanks in advance!
Yes! We are looking into him soon. His AP ratios are the suspect but we'll see. I like to do some research first before working on characters.
10) What balance changes have you done that mean the most in your opinion?
I made the Master Yi remake which I'm pretty proud of.
11) What are the plans about the Test Realm? I was under the impression that there were plans to bring it up soon, but that was somewhat vague and I don't even remember which Red posted it.
The test realm is already back up, but we're being selective as to who can join.
12) Any updates on veigar?
Yep... he has range and overall consistency problems.
13) Are there any plans for a melee item similar to Guinsoo's rageblade for the various offtanks like Mundo and Olaf?
None at the moment... but there are plans for defensive AD/AP items though.
14) when is gangplank gettin some love :P?
also, do u prefer cookies or pie?
I'd like to see how he performs on live a bit more... but I received some feedback from some top Gangplank players and I play on working with them to make him feel better.
I like pie more than cookies.
15) Can you fix Amumu's ult? Whenever i ult, there's a half second malfunction that allow the enemies to still do things.
Hmm... i've never heard of that. Ill look into it.
16) is tf getting a buff next patch?
17) What things are on top priority right now?
Handling S-Tier characters and trying to bring them into line for Season 1.
18) Are you going to be attending PAX? If so, what LoL champ will you be?
Probably not. I'm going to be Annie for halloween though (The chinese art one).
19) Why is there a lack of good tanking items which are based around Magical Damage Mitigation? ie; items with multiple good effects that synergize well with tanks.
We're always working on new items, and that is an item type that we have prioritized.
20) Do you think people will be more aware of their champion choices in Season 1? For example, will people be more willing to be a tank (when their team needs one) when their visible elo score and ranking is at stake?
I think Draft mode will completely change the way the game is played.
21) ETA on a new map?
Nope. = (
22) What are you future plans for Twisted Fate?
I'm going to evaluate him. = )
23) You said you see Ryze as a C-tier character, where do you see Kassadin? And do you think his new active W will move him up a tier?
THanks for the replies by the way
Kass is C-Tier. I think the new W will open up some new options for him and will make him feel less like he has a useless skill. The bigger change to kass is actually the change to his passive... = )
24) Will there be a cheap AP item that is similar to The Brutilizer.
Theres haunting guise and the book. = )
25) I main Trynd (yes, trynd) and i was wondering if his skills, such as his ult, are being looked at. I personally think that he is fine, but seeing the recent change to Kayle's ulti, i was wondering if a similar change might be lined up for trynd.
Not at the moment, but we arent going to lower his ult time atm.
26) are their any plans for clan support?
I'm sure there are plans for it... but I'm not sure. I dont work on that stuff. ^^
27) Any idea if all the wall bugs on TT is going to be looked at? More so then anything this is a big issue that i have had on TT.
Just in case ill leave a example.
Walk up to a wall to skill shot into bush's, but, right when you approach the wall, you walk/teleport/slide through the wall into a place you prolly never wanted to be ^^
Thanks and <3 if you answer my question.
We have been working on this issue and I believe we have an engineering fix for it. I'm not sure when it'll be out, but its soon i think!
28) Any plans on remaking Alistar so he's not just a stun bot? I.e., make him less boring? Right now it's "Hit pulverize then immediately hit Headbutt... do nothing and get no kills until teamfight ends."
He's the epitome of "boring, low dps tanks" that newer players avoid in favor of DPS champs (or Shen).
I know a lot of people find him to be fun, especially with his headbutt cancel into pulverize combo. There are no plans for a remake on him... tweaks maybe but no remakes.
29) are their any plans for achievments or rewards for doing "impressive things" ie penta kill, 100 wins, 100 wins on a single charecter, win 10 in a row, etc?
I hope we do something like this!
30) ETA on when the new kassadin ability goes live?
Season 1 patch.
31) It was asked a half dozen times in the old thread... how will you make Morgana viable again after destroying her shield?
She's considered a solid A-Tier and very viable by competitive players, especially after the latest changes.
32) how soon can we expect an all buff/debuff champion and can you give us any details?
I'm working on one, but I cant give any details. ^^
33) is shaco going to be changed?
i personally hate how he can just turret dive, hit you with powerful slowing shiv, then blink away getting hit once or twice.
could you maybe nerf the cd on his blink, and lower his base movement speed pleaseee!
From a balance perspective I think shaco is ok... but i don't think he is from an annoyance perspective. We'll have to do a comprehensive evaluation on him, and the changes would have to keep his power level... those are tricky to do.
34) What kind of constructive posts and good deeds would one have to do to invite a potential invite to the test realm?
You have to be a relatively high tier competitive player or have a good reputation for giving feedback. Being on IRC really helps as well.
35) Any plans for Garen? I always felt like he's underpowered.
Also since Youmuu's Ghostblade, my friend wanted a Sakuya's Knife. Will there ever be such an item?
Garen is currently considered C-Tier and we'll look into him soon, but it's not a priority at the moment.
I don't think Sakuya would let me take any of her knives.
36) How much of your work day involves playing the game to feel out issues that need examining, and do you generally spend that playtime on the live game or in some test realm with coworkers?
I play 1-2 games during my work day on average days... on busy days I'm lucky if I can play one for research (right now i've been really busy). But I do play a lot at home and on the weekends!
37) What defines an "Overpowered comp" vs legitimately good?
It seems that the top comp of the moment always ends up getting nerfed for OPness. AOE teams getting nerfed, then push teams, then heal teams.... just seems like the metagame is controlled more by what you take away than what you add. Rather than adding counters, you take away the power. What is the design philosophy behind that method of balance?
A comp that is overpowered is a comp that can't be reasonably countered by any available means. Blind pick presented a problem in which character counters weren't really available since you aren't able to see your opponent's line up. This is innately unfair by nature, and you can't have balance without initial fairness. I think draft mode will change a lot of this.
The reason healing was so powerful was because it is the most versatile composition, and therefore makes it the best for a blind scenario.
38) What are your current thoughts on Karthus? His passive has been bugged for a long time and is frustrating to use. He's also very situational depending on opponents (does much better against some than others).
I think he's ok at the moment. He's on the higher end of the C-tier. We'll look at compressing those characters to be better, but right now it's not a high priority unfortunately. (Now being the immediate patch)
39) I'm confused. I know I'm not supposed to ask another question (sorry!) but your answer has left me very very confused. I've opened up the client for the TR and the server is currently Unavailable, although there is a new patch which leaves me wondering. Anyways, in the Test Realm forums the Udyr post is still there saying that the TR is unavailable. I've got a Test Realm account is that what you mean about you being selective, unless you've created a more selected group for testing.
The test realm is only open to a select group of testers.
40) Are there any plans on making Nunu... viable?
His ice bolt only does a moderate amount of damage and after that's on CD all he has is his autoattacks which do a pitiful amount of damage, outside of his ult he is just lackluster and a meatshield with no reason to be attacked especially after the duration nerf to BB.
Another C-tier character. We'll look into it when we have the time. We plan on eventually getting to him.
41) I know you guys are working on fixing Garen's Q but honestly his ultimate has been incredibly frustrating from day 1.
It has a random cast time that doesn't make any sense and the range is INSANELY small. Do you think you could just make it instant cast with no travel/cast time and perhaps increase the range? Garen is hardly a top tier champion and this would just be a nice little fix to the most annoying part of his playstyle.
We're going to fix the bugs with Garen to make his silence refresh his attack timer again. We're also going to fix a bug with R to make it more responsive so you don't run into that situation where an enemy runs out of range and it fails to cast.
42) Is there any plan to do something useful with Annie's E? That shield is only ever used as a stun stack spell from what i've seen.
I think the E is pretty good. I max it on my dps annie build... rofl....
But it does give some good burst survivability.
43) What do you see TF's current role as? Most effective, I mean.
Major: Ranged DPS or AP DPS
Minor: Utility - Disabler - Poke
44) Can you play Kat viably as a hybrid (hextech gunblade)?
Oh, and thanks for doing this again. It sucks that people were jerks in the last thread
Unfortunately due to the nature of her ulti... hybrid just isn't worth it.
45) In draft mode, will you have a couple seconds to maybe change a champ in the end if the team needs a tank and the rest of the team doesnt pick one?
No. Draft choices are locked upon pick.
46) Why did Zileas decided to nerf Karthus and Anivia instead of buffing Annie back in beta?
No idea... I wish I had psychometry. If I did, I would find out for you. ^_~
47) Have you guys ever considered giving Corki's Valkarie a passive ( like a speed buff?) and/or do you feel that Corki is more team dependant than other carries, maybe too team dependent?
No plans for that at the moment. I think Corki is still very strong, but he's just a lot harder and takes more effort to play than say... Ashe or Trist.
48) Any plans to have multiple mastery pages saved? And possibly another rune book page?
I know we have plans to do this, I just don't know when.
49) You didn't answer any of my questions about Taric in your last thread.
Another champion which got no love in your last thread was Udyr.
could you please tell me everything you can regarding the future balance changes to these champions?
Nothing planned at the moment. Taric is an A-tier champion.
50) What changes do you think will make Teemo competitively viable?
I think just some attack stats would help, and fixing the poison bug.
51) I see a lot of people using flat HP quints (and couldn't help noticing them being used for every champion spotlight), would you consider them overpowered or just good for general use?
Any chance of the quintesence choice being made a little... harder?
* Not sure if you are the person to ask, but I've been wondering about this for a while now and wasn't sure where to post.
We're working on rebalancing the runes. I'm going to be taking a look at Pen runes
52) Any chance of a land mine being introduced in a champion skill set? Like rather than a fear or slow, it's a knock up effect with instant damage? Ala Explosion Array?
It's an interesting concept. We might see it one day, but there are concerns with any spell that is of that type. Things like... how visible the spell is... and how hard is the spell to use and counter.
53) Any planes on implementing a champion who uses mostly traps?
(if so you should contemplate making a champ who digs holes, and if an enemy falls into the hole, he gets ported back to his own nexus : ) )
Not at the moment... but once again it's a really interesting concept. I think the character would need to have some non-trap abilities so they have something to actually do in combat. Also...
54) I read in one of your replies that your focusing for now on balancing champions that are overpowered before addressing champions that are underpowered. Can you please share with us a list of champions that are overpowered that need to be addressed before season one?
The current list (not counting this week's patch) was:
Ezreal, Kayle, Janna, Soraka
But right now I think they're all ok except Kayle. We have an idea of what to do with Kayle that shouldn't affect her that badly.
55) First off, I want to thank you for taking your time to actuaNot at the moment. He's high A-tier though... so there might be something for next patch. I need to evaluate it.lly set some time for reading the communities opinion.
I wanted to know if there was a chance to fix the poppy Heroic Charge bug, because most of the time, my Heroic Charge Slams the Target through the wall, rendering the stun useless, and having them get a free getaway.
We're working on a fix for the issue where sometimes players path through walls... it should hopefully fix this.
56) Are there more Shen nerfs incoming? There are exceedingly few situations where you would want another tank/initiator over Shen.
Not at the moment. He's high A-tier though... so there might be something for next patch. I need to evaluate it.
57) What is the current priority?
Eliminating S-Rank characters for Season 1.
58) Are you planning to change sion ult?
He can fill 3 roles (AD - AP - Tank) but his ult is only really effective when going AD
(When i bought him in the store he was under the "mage" category)
Not at the moment. ^^
59) Is Akali's survivability going to be looked at, or any more changes in general? Especially with the Flash removal (?) incoming, she's going to be squishier than ever.
The Shroud buff is welcome but it's still kind of trapping yourself in a small area that good players can exploit.
I think her survivability might be able to be addressed with some base stats... but I'd like to see where the shroud changes went before making anymore tweaks.
60) Do the champions summoned ever find out the cause that they're fighting for, or are they left in the dark so as to avoid conflicts of interest?
(If you do only answer one question, answer me this)
Settle this once and for all--is the damage Heimerdinger's turrets do magical, and is it affected by Heimerdinger's Magic Penetration?
Summoned champions share belief with the summoner that summoned them. So they do have a direct interest in the affair. There is much more to this story but its a lore question thats a little deep for me. Babaganoosh could give you a better answer.
I'm really glad to see people hyped for lore... I really love lore myself and the lore of LoL really excites me!
and yes heimer's turrets do magic damage and its affected by MPEN. I believe this is true, but I should double check.
61) Any plans for Gragas in the pipeline?
Yes, but not high priority.
62) Whats your plans with Mordekaiser and where do you think he is lacking as far as tanks go. I personally think mitigation but I don't know riots stance.
We want to give him some way to initiate. He's currently an F-Rank character...
One thought was to give -Arm/MR if he casts his metal cloud on an enemy target.
63) What's the status of Haunting Guise? Given the fact that it was the item to test(?) Spell Vamp, then have that trait subsequently removed, it looks as though its in a sort of limbo development-wise.
Hmm... nothing right now, but I'll take a look at it.
64) What was the design goal for introducing Energy runes?
To provide extra rune options for people that like to play Energy characters. Its just another option really... but it provides a way to boost your energy stats besides golem.
65) Can I have your word you'll never touch Nasus?
He's so balanced! I would hate to see an uneeded buff that makes people play him and lead to an eventual nerf.
He's High B-Rank. Going to leave him alone. = )
66) How are summoner spells going to work in season one, because if the lock in for each person, then in that case the last person to choose will have such a great advantage at not only seeing everyones spells but everyone champion choice.
They lock in when you pick your champion. The last person does have that advantage, but they also have the disadvantage of picking last.
(Phreak's note: This is potentially incorrect. Currently, summoner spells are completely blind, internally)
67) It seems like most of the work is going into nerfing A tier champs whilst C and D tier champs are being neglected... Wouldn't buffing the UP champions inherently nerf the OP ones? If the weak become strong then the already strong have competition, and the people who like said champions don't become sad because their favorite champ got beaten down a tier or 2 with the nerf stick.
No. We're looking at nerfing S-Rank champions. Buffing UP champions doesn't really change this since S-rank champions have inherent things about them that just cause them to be OP. The point of it is that they're un-counterable, and are always the most viable choice... if we buff up an F-rank character to S-rank we'll just have to nerf them in the same way.
68) Are you ever going to ban Oracles? How are you going to make it so Evelyn will be fine with an Orcale? She's melee dps and she relys on stealth so..ya
Maybe make a counter potion where we can make it so they can't see us (only works for stealthyz)
Nope... not at all.
69) ETA on next patch???
Sometime within the next decade.
70) Hmm...Sorry for my English, first of all.
Shurelia, what tier is Udyr in your opinion? and...and...why you dont love him so much? =(
PS: I wish, there will be day, when Udyr get some love.
B-Rank Jungler/ Tank DPS.
71) i know shen is OP
and i really enjoy using him (not the OP part.. well sorta haha)
i was wondering if there was any other moderately successful way to use him besides tank
because i can't seem to find a build... (tried AP/AD/hybrid none were too useful.. tho 3 phantom dancers made an awkward dodge tank haha)
He's meant to be a tank.
72) Are you thinking of adding a system to re-sell runes/champions? To the server or even to other players? The grind for runes is exhausting if you change the heroes you play.
There are no plans for this at the moment, but it could happen one day maybe.
73) How do you currently feel about Akali after her changes to Twilight Shroud?
I have been playing her a ton recently and I think I have an outstanding idea for giving her the team fight survivability you seem to be looking to add.
I don't know yet... I think Akali has some nice dps but she kinda fails after killing one person... We're going to add shadow dance counters on Kill/Assist for season 1.
74) How do you determine who is a "top player" that is worth getting feedback from?
Players that have competitive experience, and display an overarching knowledge of the game and mechanics.
75) Well you skipped mine, but how about this, whats your thoughts on eve atm? and orcales.
Eve is bad and is getting an ulti remake.
76) Any thoughts on Nids Current Traps? Every time i put a point past rank 1 i cry a little V.V there is just no good reason to ever grab it past 1 unless you have free points. 5% Reduction just never seems worth the increased mana cost.
I'll look into it. = )
77) When I check the box that says "submit game logs to Riot," what information are YOU getting specifically?
Absolutely nothing. Engineers can use it though!
78) are there any plans for making haunting guise build into anything? it's essentially the AP equivalent to brutalizer, and that got ghostblade, so yeah... is there anything out there that i can hope for, cuz as it is, guise is quite underwhelming mid-late game which is where i think the current metagame (at least at my elo) is more geared towards...
Not at the moment.
79) What are you going to do to make Heimer not be a completely useless hero outshined by every other AP mage in the game once you take away his ability to hurt towers?
I think he'll be fine. He did get the grenade increase.
80) Are we going to see more changes that blatantly favor TT over SR like the Mundo/smite nerf?
I'm not sure... depends what comes up.
81) Are there plans to fix/improve heimer's turret targeting? As of now they still fail to target randomly, and nothing is more aggravating on heimer than when his turrets are busy with minions so they don't help him, be it from a gank, or during a team fight where 2 of his skills go to waste.
Heimer is on the table at the moment... I'll be sure to keep it in mind.
82) Since my first question satisfied some of my curiosity about working in the industry, I'm gonna follow up with a slightly sillier one:
What do you think of a skin where Nunu is a giant kid in a parka with a little tiny Yeti riding him?
Hahaha. I doubt that'll ever happen.
83) Which rank is twitch?
Ranged DPS A-Rank
84) Will there ever be 10 Person FFA Type of map?~
Which ones? We're always working on bugs.
85) What is the point of nerfing an item or a champ repeatedly, to the point where said item or champ become useless or nearly so?
While an item or champion may feel useless, we don't intentionally try to bring characters into being useless.
Sometimes characters are still viable... or have always been viable but people just haven't learned to use it yet.
One case is Janna.... she's always had the tools to do what she does, but the community evolved and became better and learned how to utilize her to her potential. I feel like this happens a lot.
86) Do you think that heroes should have proportional AP ratio's to their farming capabilities?
What is your stance on Veigar at the moment?
We try to take the entire character into account when deciding their AP ratios. It really depends on the combination of the character's abilities... cross referencing skills across character doesn't really work.
Veigar definitely needs some work, and he's going to get some soon.
87) Just wondering why gangplanks new e gives him better buffs than tarics ult. Gives the team a damage bonus thats comprable, and move speed. Will taric be given any buff to his ult? I miss the slight heal on it more than anything.
I think Taric's ult is really good actually.
1. You can use it on demand
2. It gives double the AD value
3. The cooldown is shorter.
4. It has self survivability.
If anything I think it might need better self-heal values as I think its pretty bad towards the end game.
88) I'm curious where Mundo and Sion live on this mystical tier list you're hiding from us... let me know if you can. :]
They're not F-tier.
89) Since healing and life steal has such high values from heroes(Kayle, Soraka, WW, Taric etc.) will they be seeing somewhat of a nerf sometime soon? I usually find myself buying an Executioner's Calling just to combat it.
Will Poppy's charge be looked at and fixed sometime soon as well? I always find myself charging the target and or myself through walls. While it is hilariously fun to watch, it cost me some kills; conversely saved my life a few times as well.
Kayle's heal is going to get a slight nerf to its movespeed buff values. I think the other heals are ok right now... One thing that might be a problem is that heals are unmitigated while damage is not.
90) Is there any thought to making annies passive where off if she just sits on it too long?
91) Why do you guys sucks so much at balacing this game?
If you have any pro-tips and you know something I don't know it'd be nice. ^^
92) what's your favorite currently-revealed skin?
All Star Akali and Recently Fallen Morgana.
93) a riot employee said on the forums resently that more hiemer changes were in the works. any idea what they could be? if so i would love to know, i hate not knowing the fate of my main.
Probably just reduced turret damage from grenade and maybe +1s cooldown
94) Can you tell us what is involved when you "evaluate" a champion? As many nitty gritty details as possible would be appreciated. Skip the following if it counts as more than one question, but how long do you generally spend on this evaluation? And how do you decide which champion to evaluate next?
Whenever I evaluate a champion I talk to competitive players about the character and any outlying problems. I gather feedback from multiple competitive players, then I take a look at the character myself to find any outlying problems. I then try to hop in game and play a few games as the character using one of my multiple accounts to test out the different ELO levels.
This combined with feedback from other designers steers the changes.
95) Any plans to put patch notes on the front when the game is updating?
Hmm I don't know, but thats a cool idea. I dig it.
96) When will suppression get here? As in some sort of time span? Currently thinking about buying either Malhazar, Kog'Maw or Kennen.
Are there some plans to modify the already existing 1820 skins to reflect the cost of them?
Season 1.
97) Would u say that AP ezreal belongs to the S tier as well, or just his AD counterpart?
When accounting for tiers we only take the most efficient way to play the champion. I honestly think that AP ezreal lichbane is stronger due to his ulti.
98) Do you know why energy runes were made their own runes, and not just made part of mana regen/mana runes? Can runes currently not get more than one stat on em? There's no champions that use both mana and energy, and it'd be nice for people that like to make rune pages that work with a variety of champions so they can fill holes in teams, especially since only two rune pages can be setup and there's only 3 energy champs in game currently.
Runes only have one stat on them because they're more for specialization. If you want a rune set that is versatile across all champions I suggest going a defensive set:
Health or Movespeed Quint
99) This may be a different field, but I was wondering how much your ELO changes when you win a game that you are expected to have a 50-50 chance of winning.
There are numerous factors rather than just odds that take into effect. Unfortunately this is more of a Zileas question. ^^
100) Which Riot Employee's created Akali?
Coronach made Akali. ^^
101) What about EU players? Are we beeing considered to be part in new TR? If yes - how do we get in?
I used to be in old TR, brought feedback, tried to not block servers in soloplay and stuff. When you were closing it it was quite obvious (to me at least, perhaps because you were giving mass TR invitations before closing) that you'll open it for all testers. Now it seems different. Still, I'd like to take a part and I'm not sure after requirements you posted in one of your answers if I as an EU player even can...
I heard that certain members of the EU forums are going to be invited tot he closed test realm.
102) How will you buff evelynn are you gonna buff evelynn as a AD dps or AP dps or hybrid like kayle
AP will be her primary build.
103) How will champion availability be handled in draft mode? Do both teams have access to every summoner's unlocked champions?
You are required to have X amount of champions to enter into draft mode. Where X is the minimum amount to always have a pick.
You will only have access to your own champions plus the rotation champions.
104) Also, hypothetically, what happens if you're last to pick, you have only ten to fourteen heroes and four of them get banned and the rest all get picked? So you've got no more available heroes?
You will always have 1 character pickable.
105) I'm far more interested in new maps, new game types. Are there any plans for different styles of gameplay? I know many would take thorough balancing and would be difficult with the current crop of heroes but game types inspired by FPS like capture the flag, FFA deathmatch and more. Or attack & defend maps, 3+ team maps like a 3v3v3 and so on.
I'm sure we have plans for it, I just don't know when. I'd really like it! 1v1 map please RIOT!
106) Any Karthus love incoming?
Someday, but not a high priority.
107) I was wondering if there is a way to fix or fix in the works for the Various Visual Bugs you get after reconnecting. Such as invisible champs that seems as though they are teleporting everywhere and their portraits not appearing on the minimap. Ghost minions that are just the graphical minions left over on the game map and mini map from when you got disconnected. Also the Respawn bug where you cant respawn if you get disconnected while you were dead seeing only the gray screen until you restart the client.
We've been working on those lately. If you encounter any problems, be sure to submit it in the bug report forum along with your logs.
108) Are there any future nerfs for Janna in store and if so how severe?
None at the moment.
109) When was Katarina's base dodge removed?
I can't find it in any notes.
I am almost positive that she used to have an innate chance to dodge.
All base dodge and crit was removed from all characters.
110) When i can see a patch notes about kassadin remake? (if you said season 1, when will it come?) I cant wait to see the new kass.
Is there any posibility i can play with you shurelia? my id is khyzrh, and i already add you
Sure... add me again and I'll accept.
111) I have one question that it would be cool to have answered, it is about Malzahars passive. Are there any plans to improve his passive? (I.E. make the voidlings controllable or implement better A.I.)
Yes it's on the list of things to look into soon.
112) Will Teemo be getting any more changes?
He will one day... not a priority at the moment.
113) What are your plans for the champs that are not used much like evelyn, kassadin, and some others? Thinking of making a remake at all or just leave them be?
It really depends on the extent that the character needs. As much as possible I like to keep the original flavor of the character intact... sometimes it doesn't work though (like with Ezreal).
114) How do you decide if a champion is going to be male or female?
We check.
115) Are we likely to see more female champs in the near future? Or some more monster-y types?
Yep to both!
116) Is there ANYTHING planned for Tristana at all?
Nothing planned. Too many other things in priority.
117) How many characters are "cooking" on the internal test realm that might possibly see the light of release? (all of them from having placeholder art/ copy-pasted skills etc. to ones that are more complete)
Same for items and are we going to continue to see more activated/conditionally useful items?
Are you going to do anything to make spellvamp a more attractive stat?
Have any more details on what the adjustment to Kassadin's passive will be?
We usually have 3-4 cooking on internal.
118) What tier would you all place Master Yi in?
A-Rank melee DPS. (for serious)
He's just really hard to play.
119) Not to be rude, but who exactly considers her to be top tier? When I look at tier lists made by competitive players, she's consistently in the middle. She's tier 3 in Elementz's tier list, tier 3 in Tymed's, and all the way down at Ratatouille tier in L0cust's. I know that these aren't law or anything, but mid-low tier seems to be the consensus amongst all of the popular lists.
Is there any chance that you would reconsider?
Some lists might be outdated due to the changes that were made to Morgana. Alternatively our latest tier evaluation is from the Kog'Maw patch and not from the half content patch. Originally most of the support champions were rank S, but with them moving down Morgana might shift to B, but I still think Morgana is high-B to low-A.
120) Kassadin is a wonderful champ and is very strong in capable hands. I agree that his passive and W need minor tweaking. I am very excited to see what the new active you have planned for him. However, please do not buff him to the point where people scream OP and then you'll be forced to nerf him till he's worse than his current state.
I'll try
121) Are the AP ratios on Nidalee's cougar skills actually working?
The general consensus seems to be no, and the broken tooltips really aren't helping.
Hmm... I'll look into that.
122) Are Akali's AP ratios going to be revisited?
I'll probably take a look at it when its her turn for evaluation.
123) Could you poke Guinsoo and ask how the bugfixes to Karthus's Passive are coming along? Last I heard, he was beginning work on them about 2-3 weeks ago or so now that technology had advanced a ways.
Still working on it last I heard... might have to just recode his whole passive.
124) Has there been any thoughts of creating more champions like Udyr? Personally I like the idea of Udyr and I would like to see it being used for future champions. One idea I've had is to make a Bard champion that plays different songs and the songs could act as auras for the party.
That'd be fun! We actually already have a new udyr-type champion in the pipeline. ^^
125) Did you guys get the idea for "True Damage" from my Bael the Blood Baron Champion Suggestion/Submission?
I never saw the champion suggestion, I rarely have the time to read them...
Also we've had a True Damage option for as long as I've been here.
126) Could you shed a little more light on where you're going with Kassadin? Specifics would be awesome, but if you can't say that could you maybe just tell us what direction you're going? Are you going to make him more of a hybrid champ? Make AD builds viable?
Also, what does the S in S-Tier stand for?
He's getting an AD active, and we tweaked his true passive to not suck so much, and hold onto strong buffs for longer.
127) Have you ever had a stressful day at work? and if so why?
Haha I do. Usually when stuff goes insane and I have to deal with stuff that I don't really think is that big of the problem. This is usually boosted when the forums has a FOTM attack. However I do have a very nice tea set with the highest quality teas... (I spend about 10 mins making the tea) and me and Brackhar drink it to relax twice a day!
128) What do you think of the following singed suggestions?
-Make his ult grant MR as well.
-Make his autoattack poison targets when activated.
I think both of these changes would benefit him in different ways.
The MR would help with his biggest weakness, magic burst, while the poison change would help singed players rely on autoattack also. Right now autoattacking is very rarely worth it, as it delays staying mobile and keeping the target poisoned.
I think the MR one is interesting, but Im a bit afraid of one ability being a total boost to everything. The autoattack poisoning targets might be interested, but it might cause you to just chase and autoattack instead of heading off your opponent and having them walk in your wake.
129) A while back on the test realm when the Kat changes happened it said that some Sion changes are being worked on. Is there an ETA and if not can we at least have an idea of what those changes entail?
Sometimes priorities change based on changes of process or just shifts in meta. Right now Sion isn't that big of a priority but we'll get to him eventually. ^^
130) I know in a red post by someone else they mentioned that game changes like char balancing are influenced by how the average level player is influenced and how a champ is played by top 5% of players. You mentioned that the goal prior to Season 1 is to balance S tier champs. By removing/nerfing S tier champs, do you mean more champs that have a large impact on metagame (like permit a strong kiting/healing) or is it at more of an individual tweaking/reworking values/skills level?
Well the long story short... is we take individual characters that are:
A) A significant disadvantage if you don't pick or ban them.
B) They are able to perform too many roles at once.
C) Are uncounterable.
Those are a few of the aspects that make an S-Rank character.
131) Any plans for a ultimate rework for Taric?
Its pretty good... I might buff the base healing a bit.
132) Would oncoming champions continue to have counter tank abilities( true damage skill from olaf, arp. and % damage from kog)? With less people playing tanks to begin with, these skills might turn away new players wanting to try tanks.
We like having characters that can specially counter specific types of characters, but we try to keep it so that each individual character can only perform 1 to 2 of these roles at a time only.
Of course we try not to release an anti tank/dps/caster type character in succession with another of the same time.
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